
Starkhafn Baronial Newsletter

Current and back issues of the Baronial newsletter are being added below. Currently, back issues of the Baronial newsletter are available in the Files section of the Official Baronial Facebook page with older archives stored here Baronial Yahoo! Group.

The Baronial Banner is the quarterly newsletter of the Barony of Starkhafn, Kingdom of Caid, SCA Inc. Published as a PDF file, the free electronic newsletter contains information relevant to members of the Barony. Because the newsletter is published in PDF format, you will need the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader or you can use the free Reader. If for some reason you cannot access the PDF newsletter files, please contact the Chronicler or the Webwright.

Submission Guidelines: Just do it! Contributing to The Baronial Banner is a wonderful way to participate in the Barony. Contact the Chronicler. Occasionally, submissions need to be edited for size, content and/or grammar. The Chronicler’s office will not change any submission without first consulting the author(s).

NOTE – No artwork or photos can be published without receipt of signed SCA Creative Works Release or either the Society Model Release or Society Photographer Release form. These are located in the Caid Library, under the Documents section. If your photo includes a minor you must obtain and transmit a signed release form with the photograph. If you do NOT wish your likeness to appear in the newsletter, please notify the Baronial Chronicler.

The Baronial Banner complies with guidelines established by the Chronicler’s Offices of the SCA, Inc. and the Kingdom of Caid. It is not a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc. nor does it delineate SCA policies.

For the latest information on events, meetings and other Baronial items of interest, please see the Baronial events page and calendar or the Official Baronial Facebook page.


Starkhafn’s Baronial Banner Issues


Attached is the Starkhafn Baronial Banner for the last quarter of 2023. Apologies for the lateness, due to injury and illness we weren’t able to get this out on time. We are now caught up and I appreciate your patience.

Good news! We have a new Chronicler, Lady Blissot Larke, that will step up officially at Starkhafn’s Anniversary on April 20th. Baroness Alexandra, Dame Gyda and I have been showing her the ropes. This newsletter we showed her what the minimum submission needs to be and we’ll begin working on the 1st quarter newsletter to be submitted by the end of this month.

In Service to the Dream,
Baron Robartach mac Lochlainn

2023: 1st Qrt * 2nd Qrt * 3rd Qrt * 4th Qrt

2022: Winter * Spring * Summer * Fall * Winter

2021: 1st Qrt * 2nd Qrt * 3rd Qrt * 4th Qrt

2020: 1st Qrt * 2nd Qrt * 3rd Qrt * 4th Qrt

2019: Winter * Spring * Summer * Fall

2018: Winter * Spring * Summer * Fall

2017: Winter * Spring * Summer * Fall

2016: Winter * Spring * Summer * Fall

2015: Winter * Spring * Summer * Fall