
Contacts / Officers / Regnum

Our Gentle and Noble Society is empowered by a key group of volunteers who serve as our Officers and provide the vital services that allow us to live The Dream.

All officers are responsible for making monthly reports on activities relating to their office. Copies of these reports must go to the group Seneschal, Chronicler and the Kingdom officer who is responsible for overseeing that position, e.g. the Barony Exchequer to the Kingdom Exchequer.

Seneschal Badge of OfficeSeneschal
Baroness Alexandra Sinclair

The Seneschal is the chief administrative officer and legal representative of an SCA group, and generally responsible for coordinating the activities of the group’s other officers.

Lord Juan de Aranda y Cueto “Lobo”
Dame Eibhilín inghean Laisréni, OP
Baronial Secretary: Dame Gyda Magnusdotter, OP

Exchequer Badge of OfficeExchequer
Lærer Robartach mac Lochlainn, OP

The Exchequer is the treasurer for the group. The officer who handles the Baronial funds and financial matters.

Baroness Ylaria Thriepland
Regalia: Lord Yehoshua ben Abraam

Chronicler Badge of OfficeChronicler
Lady Blissot Larke

The Chronicler is in charge of a group’s newsletter, The Baronial Banner. Click above to E-mail Baronial Banner submissions and officer reports.

Chronicler Team Members
Lærer Robartach mac Lochlainn, OP
Dame Gyda Magnusdotter, OP
Baroness Alexandra Sinclair

Arts & Sciences Badge of Office

Arts & Sciences
The Honourable Lord Arland Weigel von Offenbach

This officer coordinates Arts and Sciences activities for the group, arranging classes and demonstrations, and facilitating artisan’s pursuit of their areas of interest.

The Honourable Lady
Lady Blissot Larke
The Honourable Lady Kathryn de Bezier (Scriptorium & Fiber)

Webwright Badge of OfficeWebwright
Dame Gyda Magnusdotter, OP

The Webwright is responsible for the official webpage for the Barony as well as the group’s e-mail and other digital means of communication. This position is sometimes called Webminister.

The Honourable Lady Kazetani Kiyotora

Chatelaine Badge of OfficeChatelaine
Sir Sigvaldr Bjarnarson & Sir Ástríðr Elínudóttir

The Chatelaine (sometimes called the Chatelain(e), Castellan or Hospitaller) is the officer who assists newcomers. In charge of welcoming and facilitating new participants into the SCA including recruiting, on boarding, and transitioning members from other branches.

Mistress Créd Mongfind Örnardóttir, OP
Master Antonius Tesel, OP

Social Media Badge of OfficeSocial Media
Dame Gyda Magnusdotter, OP

The Social Media officer (formerly called Avant Courier/Media Liaison) is part public relations, part moderator, and part town crier. They encourages the enthusiastic but responsible use of social media on a variety of platforms maintaining a friendly atmosphere in branch social media groups, and helping to create a welcoming space for newcomers. They disseminate useful information to support the goals of the Society and introduce the Current Middle Ages to new audiences.

SM Deputy for TikTok: Lady Audr Urso
SM Deputy for TikTok: Lady Christine de Saint George
SM Deputy for Instagram: THL Bernadeta Costa Tempest
The Virtual Herald: The Honourable Lady Jerusha a’Laon

Constable Badge of OfficeConstable
Lord Juan de Aranda y Cueto “Lobo”

The Constable is responsible for security issues at events and the operation of the Baronial lost and found. This position is sometimes called Sheriff.

Lærer Robartach mac Lochlainn, OP


The Archivist is responsible for collecting, processing, cataloguing and preserving the written documents, oral history, and artifacts from Starkhafn’s past and present for future generations.


Herald Badge of OfficeHerald
Lord Aymer MacAllen (Flame Macer)

The Office of the Herald is divided into Voice Heraldry and Book Heraldry. Voice Heralds serve as Court Heralds or Field Heralds. Court Heralds organize the business happening in official Courts and act as the Voice of Nobility in Court. Field Heralds announce combatants on the field of battle. Book Heralds, also called Research or Submissions Heralds help research period naming and armorial practices for the registration of names and armory for the populace. Some Courts also have Protocol Heralds, who record awards and honors bestowed, draft ceremonies, and determine precedence as well as other period legal niceties for all sorts of situations.
The Honourable Lady Kathryn de Bezier
Baroness Gyda Magnusdotter, OP (Book Herald)

Lærer Robartach mac Lochlainn, OP

The Camp Master is a liaison between the Barony and event staff for camping events, especially the large wars. They are responsible for the land allocation for the Barony encampment.

Baron Thomas Chisholm
Baroness Alexandra Sinclair

Youth Activities
Lady Symonne du Charme

The Youth Activities officer facilitates involvement of the youth by creating fun and engaging activities and opportunities for participation.
Lady Audr Urso
Lord Osgar Eoforwic

Martial Activities & Ranged Weapons

Marshal Badge of Office
(Armored Combat)
Sior Cináed Ciabach “Longhair”

The Marshal for armored combat, administrates Armored Combat activities, ensures the safety of participants and their equipment, facilitates armored training and authorization for fighters. Combat Archery & Siege Weapons are also part of the combat activities that take place on the battlefield.

The Honourable Lord Jon Ó Faoláin

Rapier Badge of OfficeRapier Marshal
Baron Fergus O’Fey

The Marshal for Rapier Combat, administrates Rapier Combat activities, ensures the safety of participants and their equipment, facilitates Rapier training and authorization for fighters.

Master Antonius Tesel, OP
Lady Symmone du Charme


Siege Weapons Badge of OfficeSiege Captain
Lærer Robartach mac Lochlainn, OP

The Marshal for Siege Weapon Combat, administrates Siege Weapon Combat activities, ensures the safety of participants, their equipment and Siege equipment. They facilitate Siege Weapon training and authorization for Siege.



Archery Badge of OfficeArchery
Lady Tempest Westmoreland

The Archery Marshal is in charge of setting up the range and facilitating safety during Archery at events and practices, collecting scoring for official archer ranking and helping to further education for Archers.


Thrown Weapons Badge of Office

Thrown Weapons (Axes, Knives & Spears)
Lord Yehoshua ben Abraam

The Thrown Weapons Marshal is in charge of setting up the range and facilitating safety during Thrown Weapons at events and practices, collecting scoring for official ranking and helping to further education for participants.

The Honourable Lord Kazetani Tarou Noritatsu
Lady Symmone du Charme

Youth Combat
Lady Symonne du Charme

The Youth combat Marshal, administrates combat activities for youth, ensures the safety of participants and their equipment, facilitates training and authorization for fighters.


Youth Rapier Marshal
Lady Symonne du Charme

The Youth Rapier Marshal, administrates Rapier activities for youth, ensures the safety of participants and their equipment, facilitates training and authorization for fighters.


Lysts Badge of Office
Lysts Minister

The Lists (Lysts) officer organizes order of combat, tracks of wins and loses at tournament and other combat activities.