



Starkhafn Baronial Banner The archive contains current and back issues of the Baronial Banner.

Caid Chronicler page The Kingdom of Caid’s newsletter, is the “Crown Prints” This page has all the Chronicler (newsletter editor) article and event submission information, contacts and forms including release forms for photographs, models and creative works.

SCA Kingdom Newsletters: Access to all the Kingdoms in the Knowne World’s e-newsletters can be found here.



Compendium Caidis (Caid Wiki)*
Kingdom of Caid
Kingdom of Caid on Facebook*
The History of Caid
Kingdom of Caid Library



The Kingdom of Caid Map
The Knowne World Map
Modern Knowne World Map



SCA Anti-Harassment / Bullying Statement
THE SCA PROHIBITS HARASSMENT AND BULLYING OF ALL INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS. Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions. If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.
Email Caid Kingdom Seneschal
Email Starkhafn Seneschal
Find Your Ombudsman

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEIB) 2023 Strategic Initiative
At the January 2023 Quarterly Meeting, the Board of Directors approved the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEIB) 2023 Strategic Initiative. The initiative acknowledges the Society’s foundations in this area and the work that is still to be done.

SCA DEIB Resources
Find DEIB resource here to Report an Incident, view the SCA Statement of Core Values and DEIB educational resources.

Barony of Starkhafn Financial Policy (rev 20230905)



Starkhafn Event Steward’s Handbook  HANDBOOK BEING UPDATED



Barony of Starkhafn Financial Policy (rev 20230905)

Check Request Form
The Check Request Form is used when you need a check written to someone other than yourself, e.g. when a check is needed for a site owner or rental company.

Cash Advance Form
The Cash Advance Form is used when you need money in advance to buy something for the Barony, e.g. when you need money to purchase food for a feast. Reciepts must be saved and turned in with any remaining cash.

Reimbursement Form
Instructions for Advance-Reimbursement Forms
The Reimbursement Request Form is used when you have already purchased something for the Barony and need to be reimbursed for it. Receipts are required along with the form, e.g. when you bought food for a feast and need your money back.

Event Budget & Reporting Form
The Event Budget and Reporting Form is used by an Event Steward when planning an event to estimate the costs involved. After the event is over, the Exchequer will add in the actual costs and the form then becomes part of the Post Event Report. It is saved as a reference for future event planning.



Starkhafn Event Bid Form

For Site Owners
A Guide to Introduce Our Organization to Site Owners and Managers for Potential Use of Facilities by the SCA.

Starkhafn Event Steward’s Post Event Report Form Fill out the Post Event Report form after your event and return it to the Seneschal, if possible by the next business meeting.

Event Budget & Financial Reporting Form-fillable Excel version

Click here for Caid OnLine Event Report
Submit Post Event report to both the Kingdom Seneschal and Exchequer.
Please use this report for ALL events in Caid.



Society for Creative Anachronism
Here you will find everything from basic How To’s and Why for’s, membership forms, Society law, resources to vendor lists and much more. Everything you wanted to know about the Society, but were afraid to ask!

Kingdom of Caid
Here be Caid resources, who’s who, forms, laws, Caid Armorial, Roll of Arms and many more resources for the subjects of The Kingdom of Caid.

Compendium Caidis*
“The site displays knowledge gained from every facet of Caidan and SCA life, and provides a means by which the populace of Caid can share knowledge with others.”

“What Makes Normally Sane Adults Love the SCA So Much?”
An editorial by Sandra Dodd (SCA Mistress Ælfled of Duckford), former Steward of the Society for Creative Anachronism.



Starkhafn Event Steward’s Handbook  HANDBOOK BEING UPDATED
should be your first download. This gives a good outline of what is expected of an Event Steward as well as lists of what to do and when.

Download the Starkhafn Event Bid Form here.

Download the Check Request Form here.

Starkhafn Event Steward’s Report Form
is the last form to fill out and turn in as your final official act as an Event Steward.
This form is currently not available in a fillable format, it is print only.



SCA Kingdom Newsletters
Here you can peruse the news from all the kingdoms of the Known World. [NOTE: Requires an SCA Member Number to register]