
Search for new Heirs

Greetings unto the most esteemed populace of the great Barony of Starkhafn,

Pray attend the words of your Baron and Baroness, Thomas and Catylyn.

It has been our great honor and pleasure to serve both you, our populace, and this Kingdom as your representatives over the last several years. The time has now come for us to pass this honor along to a new generation. We have had a wonderful experience getting to know all of you better as well as making friends across this great kingdom and society. We encourage any couples who have questions about the position of B&B to come speak to us and know we will continue to support this Barony and the populace throughout the transition and into the future of our shared dream.

Call for letters of Intent to be considered as the next B&B for Starkhafn:

Opens August 24, 2024 and closes September 24, 2024

Letters should be addressed to:
The Crown: crown@sca-caid.org
Kingdom Seneschal: seneschal.officer@sca-caid.org
Starkhafn Baron and Baroness: baron@starkhafn.sca-caid.org
Starkhafn Baronial Seneschal: seneschal.officer@starkhafn.sca-caid.org

Please include both SCA qualifications as well as mundane experience that you feel makes you both good candidates to hold this position.

Letters will be discussed at the Kingdom level until just after GWW when the Crown will choose acceptable candidates for a Baronial polling.

A Curia will be held after GWW for the populace to interview the candidates.

Polling will be held November 1, 2024 through November 30, 2024

The Crown will select our heirs and they will be announced at Starkhafn Yule December 21, 2024 where they will participate in their first court.

Our heirs will travel with us and train until Starkhafn Anniversary April 19, 2025 where we will step down and they will be invested as the new B&B of Starkhafn.

Yours in Service,
Baron Thomas & Baroness Catylyn

For more information please see the Heirs page.

Timeline for Heirs

  • Deadline for receiving Letters of Intent is Tuesday, 24 September 2024
  • Candidate couples will be introduced at a Curia Saturday, October 19, 2024 3:30pm – 5:30pm at the Flamingo Library 1401 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89119. Candidates should be prepared to give a brief statement and answer questions.
  • A notice will be placed in the Newsletter and Social Media announcing a polling for the support of the Heirs by the populace.
  • Polling of the Populace of Starkhafn November 1, 2024 through November 30, 2024.
  • Announcement of heirs at Starkhafn Yule on December 21, 2024
  • The Heirs will be invested as the new Baronage at Starkhafn Anniversary on Saturday, April 19, 2025.


Baron Thomas and Baroness Catylyn

We invite you to join us on Facebook*
Meet and chat with Baronial officers, local members and find out more about what we do.

Their Excellencies Thomas Chisholm and Catylyn verch Morgant ap Llewellyn bid you Welcome to the Barony of Starkhafn, the Southern Nevada area branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).

What’s the Society for Creative Anachronism? It is an international non-profit volunteer educational organization. The SCA is devoted to the research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat, culture, and employing knowledge of history to enrich the lives of participants through events, demonstrations, and other educational presentations and activities. Participants attend events which may feature tournaments, arts exhibits, classes, workshops, dancing, feasts, and more. Our “Known World” consists of 20 kingdoms, with over 30,000 paid members and an estimated 60,000 participants residing in countries around the world.

The Barony of the Starkhafn, includes Las Vegas and the surrounding areas. Please click here for details about the specific areas that lie within the Barony’s borders.

Have you ever wished you could travel backward in time to an age when Chivalry and Honor were commonplace? Ever wanted to feast by candlelight or fight with knights in armor? How about sing ballads, weave tapestries or illuminate manuscripts? Classes are offered on a wide range of topics, from costuming, cooking or singing to fighting and armoring. Weekend events are held with tournaments, courts, feasts and revels. Please join us at one of our meetings! For more information, browse the site, learn more about us, check out our photos, or contact our local Châtelaine (newcomer liaison).

In addition to the information on this site, you can learn more about the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and the kingdom within which our Barony resides, the Kingdom of Caid.

We invite you to join us on Facebook* where you can meet and chat with the Baronial officers, local members and find out more about what we do.


Medieval Demonstrations

The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA), is an international, non-profit, educational organization designed as a hands-on, learn-by-doing model to research and re-create life prior to 1600.

As an educational organization, we do presentations for the general public, known as a “demos.” We do educational demos for schools and scouting groups; sometimes in shopping malls, movie openings or at community sponsored cultural events. The types of demonstrations may depend on the venue, but generally can include, but are not limited to, medieval martial arts (armored combat, rapier combat & archery), calligraphy, fiber arts, music & dance, heraldry, clothing, everyday objects and more.

The local group’s officers that are in charge of demonstrations are the Seneschal (chapter president) and the Demo coordinator. For more information contact our Seneschal or Demo Coordinatior.


Helpful Navigations

If you’re a newcomer and need help getting started in the SCA, e-mail the Châtelaine (newcomer helper) [NOTE: The Châtelaine is also known as the Castellan or Hospitaller in some groups.] Visit the Getting Started page

If you’re a member of the media and are looking for more information about the Barony of Starkhafn or the Society for Creative Anachronism, e-mail THN Elinor Assheycombe, the Seneschal (official representative)

Visit the History page.

If you’re a teacher or representative of a group that would like to schedule an educational class or demo on Medieval/Renaissance topics, e-mail the Demo Coordinator. If you have any suggestions, comments or queries, please contact the Webwright.