About Us

About Us

Their Excellencies, Lord Thomas Chisholm and THL Catylyn verch Morgant ap Llewellyn, the Baron and Baroness of the Barony of Starkhafn bid you Welcome. Starkhafn is the Southern Nevada area branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). What’s the Society for Creative Anachronism? It is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century period. Our “Known World” consists of 20 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. Members, dress in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, attend events that feature tournaments, royal courts, feasts, dancing, various classes and workshops, and more. These include the martial arts, fine arts and day-to-day survival arts spanning the eras prior to the 17th century.

The Barony of the Starkhafn, includes Las Vegas and the surrounding areas. Please click here for details about the specific areas that lie within the Barony’s borders.

The Barony of the Starkhafn, is a part of the Kingdom of Caid which includes Southern Nevada and Southern California. View a map of the Kingdom of Caid here. View a map of the Known World* of the Society for Creative Anachronism here.

In addition to the information on this site, you can learn more about the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and the kingdom within which our Barony resides, the Kingdom of Caid.

We invite you to join us on Facebook* where you can meet and chat with the Baronial officers, local members and find out more about what we do.