Award Recommendations

Writing Award Recommendations


Submitting award recommendations

Caid award submission form The online form for Caid Kingdom award recommendations. (If you submit someone from the Barony, please CC the Baron and Baroness)

To recommend someone for a Starkhafn Baronial award
Use our convenient online Starkhafn Award Recommendation Form .
Or e-mail the Baron and  Baroness and/or the Seneschal.


Writing award recommendations

How to write an SCA recommendation by Sabine du Bourbonnais
A good explanation on writing an award recommendation with an excellent template.

Writing Award Letters by Rhieinwen Cyfarwydd ferch Angharad (Dayle A. Dermatis). [LINK CURRENTLY NOT VALID]
This is an very helpful resource for award recommendation writing, complete with sample letters.

How to write an Award Recommendation by Anarra Karlsdottir With an addendum by Master Rhys Terafan Greydragon.
This is a very good quick view of the process.

Caid Award listing and Myths busted
There are three myths to dispel about award recommendations. For example:
1) You do not need to be a member of the SCA to recommend someone for an award.
2) You do not have to have an award to recommend someone else for it.
3) You may recommend someone close to you for an award.

Important Award Tips – Caid 
Short but helpful list of tips for for writing an effective award recommendation in Caid.